Saturday, November 4, 2017

#thenovembertarot Day 4 The November Challenge

Happy Beaver Moon!  Around 1 am here in Michigan we might get to see a beautiful full November Moon, sometimes called Beaver Moon, Frost Moon and other names that hint at the winter to come.

@lionharts tarot challenge for today is sooooo good and I love this spread sooooo much.  Here is the spread as described on the instagram post from @lionharts:

November Tarot challenge.
In theme of the Full Moon, today, we look at what we should release.
When you shuffle cards with just the keyword in mind, you might get positive cards. Read below how to deal with a positive or negative card per keyword.
Just so it's clear, you only have to draw one card per keyword.

Negative card: What unhealthy attachments should I let go of?
Positive card: How can I build on my attachments? How does this relate to release?

Negative card: What emotions are hindering my best self?
Positive card: What focus gives emotional release?

Negative card: What behavior does no longer serve me?
Positive card: What behavior would support my growth? How am I not doing this enough yet?

Pretty great, huh? I couldn't wait to draw my cards and reflect on the issues of attachments, emotions, and behavior.  The guidance of release as part of the process of harnessing the full moon's energy is a valuable tool.

I used the Aquarian Deck for this challenge, and drew The 9 of Rods, Death, and The Emperor.  All serious-as-a-heart-attack male archetypes.  Full moon potential is all about the completion of a cycle. 

Remember that new moon in libra back on 10/19/17?  Well the balance of polarities we struggled with on that new moon have completed their cycle and we now find ourselves in the grip of a full moon in Taurus.  The influences at work here are mainly Neptune and Venus which affect our emotional sensitivity, and romantic life.  This is a moody, melancholy moon - just roll with it and now its completing a cycle.  It will pass.

The 9 of Rods in the placement of attachment:  This cards shows hard work, following through with your passions despite obstacles, and determination to realize your full potential, even when it's tough going.  I definitely attach and identify with this character struggling, maybe taking on too much, maybe not seeing the bigger picture sometimes.  Ultimately, I see the positive potential in this card - tenacity is my spirit animal - but I also see the attachment to the perception of being overwhelmed.  Moving on with a larger whole world view is in order for me.

The Death Card in the placement of emotions:  Freakishly accurate, and pervasively prescient.  If you'll recall, this major arcana card took center stage this month as the overall theme.  As I might have mentioned, I love this card.  Look at my two dudes, here, the 9 of rods and death, just forging ahead and getting on with their bad selves.  Both are men of action.  Both are full steam ahead, no turning back, kind of guys.  I'm okay with this.  But the emotional weight of feeling like a change is gonna come all the time is a heavy load, and I probably need to lighten the fuck up.

The Emperor in the placement of behavior:  Yeah, I see that.  I can definitely be insistent in my ways, and rigid in my perceptions.  This is also a card I draw a lot!  I do appreciate that after the toil and grind theme of the 9 of rods, and the portent of change as told by Death, I'm glad to see my Emperor takes time to set a spell and gather his wits.  Sometimes you need to take a moment to really contemplate your next move, rather than act impulsively.  Also, collect yourself and see the cause and effect of action.

Oh my.  Loving this tarot spread so much.  Thanks @lionharts!

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