Tuesday, November 21, 2017

The November Tarot Day 21

The November Tarot using the ancient Italian tarot deck. Past/Present/Future Challenges from @lionharts

Page of wands has helped me recognize potential and true desires. With all the naive hopefulness of a beginner he urges me to act on impulses, take chances.

But in the present the anticipation of goals reached doesn't always manifest in ways immediately apparent to my conscious mind. The Page made promises I may not be able to keep. In charges the Knight of swords with all his ferocious determination. Remember Strength takes many forms.

9 of Swords is a warning. Change my approach or risk failure.

Flash forward to getting home from work at the end of the day and seeing my Fante Di Bastoni and my Caval'di Spade sittin' there staring at me.

I was wrong.  This is what is really happening:

Now I’m reviewing, and I realize that my enthusiastic Knave is facing off against the serious-minded, goal-oriented Knight.  Here’s my adjustment ;^) I have an interior battle going between my wishful self and the realist (read nihilist) which could result in me not actually getting much done - see the 9 of Swords.  I have to give it up to my Knave here and keep positivity first and foremost in my mind!

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