Wednesday, November 15, 2017

The November Tarot Day 15 - Chakra Spread

I love doing a Chakra Spread.  Just the way Kundalini energy coils up the spine, so does a Chakra Tarot Spread make connections, especially when you use the TOTALLY appropriate Thoth Tarot Deck.  Aleister Crowley and Lady Frieda Harris really created a deck that works so well when interpreting energy channels and associated aspects of the body and its behaviors.  Try a Chakra Tarot Spread, maybe followed by some yoga and breath work - Feel Alive!

 #thenovembertarot November Tarot Challenge using Thoth Deck.  Chakra Spread, creating harmonious energy in the body, unblocking potential.

Root Chakra - Red - Grounding.  The Lovers are all about feelings of foundation and support, uniting, loving, and creating stability in relationships.  Root Chakra corresponds to survival, The Lovers are stronger together than apart.

Sacral Chakra - Orange - Sexuality.  This card bursts with fiery balanced sexual energy, and feelings of trusting your motivations.  6 of Wands is sexual potential.

Solar Plexus Chakra - Yellow - Stomach.  10 of Swords. Trust your Gut.  It is the end of a cycle.  It is time to listen deeply and move on.  If ugly words or negative behavior patterns have been at play, this is the time to Cut it Out and Move On.  That feeling in our stomach that tightens up when we feel hurt or angry - this is the time to take notice.

Heart Chakra - Green - Prudence, the 8 of Disks.  How beautiful to find this card in my heart . This is the Tree of Life, green with vital energy, digging into the earth, taking root, and giving itself time to grow.  Our Heart Chakra is a main conduit to the lower and higher chakras.  The coiled Kundalini energy at the base of the spine grows like this tree, bridging the higher and lower chakras.

Throat Chakra - Blue - Queen of Wands.  The throat chakra is associated with Creativity and Communication.  The Queen of Wands is beautiful, but a little dangerous.  She may be impassioned in her speech, and not always come from a place of compassion.  This card warns against speaking before you think.

Third Eye Chakra - Indigo - Intuition.  The 4 of Cups.  The intuitive mind is fluid, moving freely away from fixed perceptions, bridging understanding in the way that only the subconscious can achieve.  The 4 of Cups partners well in the Third Eye Chakra, the place of inner knowing.

The Crown Chakra - White - The Sun.  The Crown Chakra is attainment of Spiritual Integration.  The bright, hot white of the sun shines down its blessing upon us, helping us see our own Divinity.  The Sun gives life, it sustains us.  Crown Chakra sun medicine to help us through dark days of winter.

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