Saturday, November 25, 2017

The November Tarot Day 25

Day 25

Powerful Markers for Today's Draw:  Allow/Accept/Adjust

Using this Guidance, I pulled from The Aquarian Tarot and for the first time in a long while pulled 3 Major Arcana Cards, strong medicine for the soul.

The first thing that strikes me is the duality bracketing the center card - The Moon and The Chariot both are about the interplay of light and dark, impulse versus forethought, illusion versus reality.  Temperance is about Balance and Acceptance.  Our struggle is to see that there is an opportunity for spiritual growth in each moment.  If every path was lined with daisies, and our every desire fulfilled, this wouldn’t be the Human Experience.  Our struggles shape who we are.  And our most challenging situations give us the chance to be our own life-coach.

Allow - The Moon - is showing us that the human condition is our great Spiritual Teacher.  Allow each moment to occur knowing that it represents an opportunity to see something sacred within ourselves.

Accept - Temperance -  Accepting ourselves UNCONDITIONALLY.

Adjust - The Chariot - is showing us how to marry our head and heart, conscious and unconscious to see things for what they truly are.  The Chariot is all about adjusting our perceptions when those perceptions are getting in way of moving forward.

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